Redefining a Chinese Icon
2017 Phoenix - Fuxing CR400BF Standard EMU
Public transportation
Rolling stock
Project management
Concept design
Detailed design
Livery design
CGI visualisation

Following on from the successful development and launch of the series one CR400BF Fordyno was asked to participate in the development and optimisation of the platform upgrade in 2017.
With the main platform established, the optimisation opportunities were heavily informed from data captured from the in-service systems.
Fordyno were challenged to further develop the front end in line with aerodynamic inputs while maintaining UIC compliance. The interiors were also updated in response to passenger and operator feedback.
Fordyno worked closely with CRC Changchun’s technical teams to ensure that the new front end met all the aerodynamic objectives of the project while balancing the constraints of the underlying structures.
Fordyno completed this while further developing the look of the ‘Phoenix’, which the team originally penned in 2014 alongside our colleagues at CRC Changchun.
An award winning conclusion.
The CR400BF is now a common sight across the high speed network within China, a credit to the successful co-operation between CRC Changchun and Fordyno.
The Phoenix continues to play a large part in delivering over a billion journeys that are taken on the platform each year.